"A G.O.P. Senator Proposes a Plan to Split Up C.I.A."

Always need to separate the merits of a bill from its politics, but an interesting, dramatic proposal nonetheless. I look forward to following the debate.


The Republican chairman of the Senate intelligence committee [Pat Roberts of Kansas] said Sunday that he would propose legislation to break up the Central Intelligence Agency and divide its responsibilities among three new spy agencies. ...

According to a statement released by Mr. Roberts outlining his bill, the legislation would make these changes:

Establish the office of national intelligence director, who ... would have "complete budget and personnel authority, including hiring and firing authority," over the government's spy operations, including "the national intelligence collection agencies currently residing in the Department of Defense...." [which] include the National Security Agency....

Break up the C.I.A. into three parts: a National Clandestine Service, which would direct traditional human spy operations; an Office of National Assessments, which would be responsible for intelligence analysis; and an Office of Technical Support, which would be responsible for research and development projects. The new agencies would report to the national intelligence director....

"I expect a lot of debate, should be a lot of debate," Mr. Roberts said, adding that he was open to rethinking parts of his legislation. "It is not a tablet, you know, coming down from a mountain, written in stone."

One remarkably negative opinion:

http://slate.msn.com/id/2105633/I wondered, too, why Roberts would think a solution for better sharing in the intelligence community is to split information gathering from information analysis. I guess I wasn't the only one.
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