"Report Urges New Strategy on Muslims"

Good to see these are the sorts of recommendations the commission developed. I'm interested in reading the report.


The final report of the Sept. 11 commission includes a call for a broad rethinking of American foreign policy toward the Arab and Muslim world, declaring that the United States needs 'a preventive strategy that is as much, or more, political as it is military,'' and that reshapes its approach to Pakistan and Saudi Arabia. ...

White House officials appeared somewhat surprised by the scope of the commission's foreign policy recommendations, which went far beyond the expected recommendations to revamp the intelligence agencies and security measures. They are contained in a chapter of the report that calls for "a global strategy'' to get at the roots of terrorism that - while never directly challenging President Bush's 2002 "National Security Strategy'' - makes it clear that the commission concludes that the Bush administration's efforts so far are inadequate.

It is particularly blistering about American public diplomacy, declaring that "the U.S. government must define what its message is, what it stands for.'' ...

Mr. Bush also maintains that Iraq had been a "central front'' in the war on terror, a point that the report treats with stony silence. Instead, it warns of what could happen if the American experiment in Iraq goes bad....

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