Torture in Iraq

It's hard to explain how disgusted and angry I am about the mistreatment of prisoners in Iraq. It hurts me deep to know something like this would happen in the name of the United States, and the fact that it happens in a part of the world we are trying to eliminate extremism and bolster moderatation... what the fuck were these people thinking?

This article from the New Yorker is the best and most comprehensive of those I've come across thus far.


Taguba's report, however, amounts to an unsparing study of collective wrongdoing and the failure of Army leadership at the highest levels. The picture he draws of Abu Ghraib is one in which Army regulations and the Geneva conventions were routinely violated, and in which much of the day-to-day management of the prisoners was abdicated to Army military-intelligence units and civilian contract employees. Interrogating prisoners and getting intelligence, including by intimidation and torture, was the priority.

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